Let sleeping dogs lie

Did you know that this well-known proverb, originates from the book of Proverbs chapter 26 verse 17

“Like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own.”

Last weekend my son came to stay as our other son was over briefly from Australia. It also meant that he had someone to look after his dog, Bill, whilst he was in Manchester for work.  Having got up at 6 am, Bill and I ambled across the fields and then when, two hours later, we returned, Bill collapsed in a heap and was soon snoring away.

I was then able to get on with the chores of the day.

It got me to thinking of the sleeping dog proverb.

Seizing the ears of a stray dog is one way of getting bitten. (Sadly we have read or heard in the media recently of adults and children been viciously attacked by certain breeds of dog.)

If we rush in on someone else’s argument, then we are likely to get hurt.

Many of us might want to break up an argument for all the right reasons, but sometimes we might need to stand back, in case both parties of an argument turn on us. Sometimes it is better to wait until the two arguers have stopped fighting and cooled down, and then try and mediate between the two.

Bill, is a boisterous 7 month old boxer, so he can nip and bite at times. I’ve learnt to hide all shoes! Even the cutest, most doe eyed dog, may snap – we all have moments when we snap. However God who is our loving and merciful Father, loves us unconditionally.

Prayer: Gracious and loving Lord, forgive us when we lose our temper and argue. Help us to see both sides to any disagreement. Forgive us when we rush in without thinking to the argument of another. Forgive us when we snap and nip, when we have caused hurt to another. You are a loving and merciful Father, who sees the best in us all, despite all our wrongdoings. AMEN