Healthy Fellowship / Heathy Food

A feature of church life, aside from worship, is often its fellowship forged over food. You can properly cite scriptural examples of fellowship involving meals, not least the Last Supper itself. It is sometimes said that we are what we eat; which makes many Christians appear as tea, biscuits, cakes, and other not especially healthy things.

I am constantly reading news reports of our deteriorating health as a nation, driven by obesity, amongst other things. The food industry is criticised for the part it has played in our worsening diet. What a relief that the press never looks too closely at the average church tea. And yet…it is also reported that people of faith are more content, less stressed, and often better adjusted than those without faith. There is a conundrum.

A change I have noticed during my life is the move away from the habit of spending time in each other’s homes. When I started lay preaching it was not unusual to be asked to lunch or tea. With hindsight I wonder if folk felt sorry for me because I was young and single, but I also wonder if we do the same now.

Eating together, whether healthily or otherwise builds bonds between people. We are called to look after the health we have been given and now we know more than formerly about what various types of diet do to us, a new era of good stewardship of our fellowship groups could start with carrots and not cake…but then again balance is important too.

A Prayer

All providing God, we rejoice in the food we have to eat and our fellowship with one another that gladdens our hearts and brightens our lives. May we be good stewards of all we have, including our healthy selves, for Jesus’ sake, Amen.