My aunt recently died at the wonderful age of 97. She had no children of her own but was devoted to her various nephews, nieces, great nephews and nieces, great- great nephews and nieces. It fell to me to work with my sister and cousins to put together thoughts for part of her funeral service.
She was a woman of great faith, and had supported me in my training to be a Local Preacher, and like any good Methodist, had chosen some great hymns and Bible readings for her own funeral service. Her great nephew, who considered to be more like a grandma, wanted to say something at the funeral, but felt uncomfortable reading a Bible passage.
His father, my aunts nephew and my cousin, enjoys writing short poems and wrote this poem around 2 years ago, which my aunt had found very moving, and I share it with you now.
Embrace what surrounds you
Waste no time on hate
Cherish the good things
Before its too late
Love every moment
And each child you raise
Give your support your warmth
And your praise
Each day take a moment
To pause and reflect
On the wonder of life
That we often reject
Take time to show care
Before the chance to is missed
For a hand that is held
Cant form a fist.
The image accompanying this TFTD is taken from a photo of my aunt tenderly holding the tiny hand of her latest great- great- nephew.
Gracious and loving Father, thank you that you hold out your hands to us, reaching out to comfort and to heal, to teach and encourage, to celebrate and to mourn. Thank you for those who have held us as babies, and thank you for the privilege of holding the hand of one who is letting go of this life.
Help us to reach out in love, and not in hate; to reach out in kindness and not in anger: to reach out in generosity and not in greed. Your Son reached out, he stretched out his arms and died for each one of us, but his death was not the end, and he welcomes each one of us if we are willing to reach out to him. AMEN