Help Grandma! 3

It was a lovely warm sunny afternoon when Humpty Dumpty club (mothers and toddlers) restarted after the summer break. My granddaughter was ready in her buggy when I arrived to collect her and bounced with excitement as we entered the hall. She is getting familiar with the surroundings and the routines, so once she was out of the buggy, I left her to her own devices, just watching from afar.

Just as I’d begun to relax and enjoy some gentle conversation with some of the Mums, I heard the familiar cry from the top of the slide, “Help Grandma!” I was a bit baffled as she loves the slide and easily goes up and down as a rule. When I reached her, she was sitting in some distress at the top, unable to propel herself down however hard she thrust her top half forward. Up until that occasion, she had always worn leggings to Humpty Dumpty, but this day, with it being so warm, Mummy had dressed her in a pretty summer dress but it meant her clammy legs wouldn’t slide down easily! We found a way though by relaxing, laying back and disconnecting her legs from too much contact with the plastic of the slide, so there was a gap between her bottom and feet, that motion was established!

If you’re stuck in your life or even in your Christian walk with God, call out to Him for assistance. Maybe there’s something in your life that’s holding you back and preventing you from going forward.  Hebrews 12 verse 1 says, “…Let us rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way, and of the sin which holds onto us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lies before us.”