A secret world

My husband and I watched the first part of a programme about badgers. (Badgers: Their Secret World, C5 at 7pm Wed and Thur). I’m writing this on Thursday and I’m looking forward to watching the second part tonight. It’s the most amazing programme and gives you such an insight into the lives of these animals.

One of the most interesting ways in which the filming was done was that a false sett was constructed with lots of cameras. The people doing this had no idea whether the badgers would actually use the sett and in fact it took six months for them to make use of it.

They were able to record a wild badger giving birth, (probably the first time ever). The mother looked after her babies so well and every few days cleared out her bedding and brought fresh bedding in. She moved her babies to another chamber while she was doing this and then carefully brought them back when she had finished.

There were lots of videos of the badgers playing outside but it was the hidden life of the badgers which I found the most amazing.

The title of our prayer book this year is “Hidden Treasures” and this could very aptly be applied to this programme. I feel that I should be more aware of what is happening under my feet. Things unseen but all part of God’s wonderful creation.

Genesis 1 v 24-25 tells us about the animals God created and He saw that it was good. Thank You Lord.