10 brown bottles

I have been asked to save beer bottles by my son and his girlfriend. The idea is to use them as wedding decorations. The plan is to hang them around the walls, and if we get enough (?!) to use them as table decorations with wildflower displays.

My husband was somewhat bemused, as he couldn’t see how a plain brown bottle could be something decorative!

This got me to reflecting on the passage in Jeremiah (18:1-6) where Jeremiah is called to go to the potter’s house and observe the potter working at his wheel. The potter had thrown a lump of clay and was drawing it up into a pot, but it became mishappen so he had to remove it and start again making it into a different shape.

There is a well-known hymn STF 395

Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me

Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me

Break me, melt me, mould me, fill me

Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me

We may think we are plain and ordinary, but God can see the beauty in us, and he can use us in ways we cannot imagine.

Why not offer yourself to God to be broken, to start again and be reshaped and moulded, and filled with the beauty God has given you. AMEN