This is my story, this is my song.

For my daily Bible reading, I prefer a short Bible passage as I find it easier to remember. Occasionally, I am confronted with a much longer passage as occurred recently when I was directed to 39 verses from Daniel chapter 4. Having read through the Bible on at least three occasions, I am always surprised when, possibly because of age, it seems as though I am reading it for the first time. The notes accompanying this reading stated, “Daniel 4 is an unusual chapter. It is the only place in scripture where a Gentile king is allowed to speak for himself.”

This passage is a testimony to, and of, God’s intervention in a person’s life. Those of us, who by God’s grace are now, as Christians part of God’s family, may not have had such a dramatic experience.

The Bible, in the Acts of the Apostles (chapters 8 and 9), tells of two men on separate journeys whose lives were transformed in different ways, and outcomes. The Ethiopian eunuch was helped by Philip and was heard of no more. Another man, called Saul was confronted by Jesus and was used in amazing ways by God for his generation and ours by the many books he authored.

I was privileged to grow up in a Christian home so the change in my life when I became a Christian was not so noticeable as others, such as the Hell’s Angel who became a Christian while in prison.  But the old hymn reminds me, “What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought since Jesus came into my heart”.

Our testimony will never be recorded in the Bible, or possibly be the subject of a book, a film, or a series of meetings, but we have the assurance that in our relationship with God, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we can ask God, “O use me, Lord, use even me, just as thou wilt and when and where”.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we may never know what impact, if any, our lives may have upon anyone else, and that is preferable, but we do ask that our lives may be used for your glory and the blessing of anyone who we may be in contact with. AMEN.