Get rid of the negative

A few days ago when I was visiting a close friend who is quite ill, I met her daughter’s dog for the first time. She is quite a character and certainly makes her presence felt. When she was a pup she broke one of her front legs and it didn’t heal properly so after a while she had to have the leg amputated. She is now much happier and coping amazingly well with just three legs.

This made me think about our lives and how we may be carrying something which we would be much better without. It might be a feeling of hurt or neglect, anger or loneliness. Are these feelings holding us back from fulfilling what God wants us to do?. Should we get rid of them? I like the idea of writing all the negative feelings down on a piece of paper, tearing the paper up and throwing it in the bin. Get rid of the negative and live positively.

Prayer: Thank you Father that as you help an animal to live a better life, you are there to help us humans too.