
On my recent trip to France, I had to hunt around in the recesses of my brain, and dust off (it was very dusty) my French speaking skills.  My cycle buddy for the holiday, Rev Rach Ward was much more confident than me and was able to hold a conversation for more than just a few hesitant words. On more than one occasion she was complimented on her French language skills.

This got us thinking about our prayer life, and how to encourage others in praying.

I like to think that with a bit more time, and if I was not able to lean on someone more able, I would have been able to hold more of a conversation in French -probably just wishful thinking! I just needed to give it a go.

In our prayer life do we sometimes hold back because we feel we are not “qualified” enough, or perhaps we don’t know the language?

God accepts and hears ALL prayers. They do not have to be long and wordy. One word will do – I was able to make myself understood with one or two tentative words in French. Just give it a go.

Pray simply and simply pray.

Prayer: Thank you God! AMEN