Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 3rd September 2023

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time        Year A                                                 3rd September 2023

Lectionary readings:

 Jeremiah 15 v15-21;       Psalm 26 v1-8;       Romans 12 v9-21;          Matthew 16 v21-28.       

“Stop talking like a fool” and “Think like God”

Most of us find it difficult to think straight in times of trouble. The apostle Paul advises us to “be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying” (Romans12 v12b).

The prophet Jeremiah’s default mode seems to be complaining to God rather than prayer.

As we read in this week’s Old Testament passage, God listens to Jeremiah, rebukes him and then assures him of rescue from despair.

Jeremiah          “Are you going to disappoint me?      (Jeremiah 15 v18b)

God                 “Stop talking like a fool!”                  (v19a)

God                 “I will be there to rescue you.”          (v21b)

In the gospel reading, Peter’s default mode appears to be action, (long before thinking or praying).

In seeking to prevent Jesus from putting himself in harms way, Peter failed to understand the meaning of what Jesus has just said; “I must go to Jerusalem” (Matthew 16 v21b).

Nor was Peter linking Jesus’ repeated “Son of Man” references (about himself) to the prophet Daniel’s vision of ‘one like a ‘son of man’ being invited to occupy the throne at God’s right hand, to be crowned king, and be given power and glory. (see Daniel 7 v13-14)

Jesus recognised that Peter wasn’t thinking like God. Jesus rebukes ‘Satan’ for abusing the loyalty of his friend Peter in an attempt to thwart God’s plan. (see Matthew 16 v23).

But of course we know how this story ends; Jesus forgives Peter for all the times he failed to understand, the times he denied knowing him and for running away at the time of his arrest. Jesus restores Peter to his true vocation as a disciple. (see John 21 v15-19). Jesus heals and restores us.

Hymn writer Jean Holloway invites us to pray for healing and wholeness. (Singing the Faith 652).

Lord, we come to ask your healing, teach us of love; all unspoken shame revealing, teach us of love.
Take our selfish thoughts and actions, petty feuds, divisive factions, hear us now to you appealing, teach us of love.

Soothe away our pain and sorrow, hold us in love; grace we cannot buy or borrow, hold us in love.
Though we see but dark and danger, though we spurn both friend and stranger, though we often dread tomorrow, hold us in love.

When the bread is raised and broken, fill us with love; words of consecration spoken, fill us with love.
As our grateful prayers continue, make the faith that we have in you more than just an empty token, fill us with love.

Help us live for one another, bind us in love; stranger, neighbour, father, mother – bind us in love.
All are equal at your table, through your Spirit make us able to embrace as sister, brother, bind us in love.           

Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English Version.