Phone Box

I have just returned from a 4-day cycling trip from Morecambe to Bridlington following the Way of the Roses cycle route. There were some highs and some lows – literally, but in all it was a fantastic experience, and a great achievement for everyone who took part.

Also, plenty of material for TFTD!

On our last day we set off from Pocklington and were gently pedalling through the next village of Millington when we had to stop for a minor technical problem (I had not reset my navigation device correctly). It was then that one of our group (we cycled in 2s and 3s) noticed an interesting use for a phone box.

You may well have seen village lending libraries or emergency defibrillators in the old red phone boxes dotted around the countryside. This was an emergency cycle repair hub, and included everything from spare cycle shoes, helmet, tyres as well as the often-needed spare inner tubes along with many other items, all donated by fellow cyclists.

It was only because we noticed the spanner as the door handle and the old sign saying “oil & air” that we realised what a little “Aladdin’s cave” this was.

It is wonderful to see how creative and helpful people can be.

Something that appears to no longer be of any use has found a new lease of life, and stands as a beacon of help along the route.

We might feel sometimes that what we are doing is no longer useful, but God always has other ideas. He is the God of New Creation and when we turn to follow Him, he will find a use for us – even if it is completely different to what we expect!

PRAYER: Creator God, thank you for the spectacular scenery we see along life’s journey. Thank you for helping us up those steep climbs we face, and for bringing us safely to our ultimate destination. Forgive us when we feel like giving up, when we feel we are no longer useful and create in us a new heart and a new purpose. AMEN