All part of God’s creation

At our Hobbies group a gentleman comes most weeks and even though he is a very talented artist, he just likes to listen to the chat or have a quiet discussion with a few of us. The other week he and I were talking about waves. We both agreed that it can be very calming to sit and watch them.

I also like to watch big waves crashing on the shore. When I lived in N. Ireland our house was in Portrush on the north coast. At times the waves coming from the Atlantic Ocean were huge and it was fascinating to watch the surfers choosing the exact wave that they wanted to ride into the shore. You could not have paid me to do what they do. 

I was chatting with a couple of friends and we were talking about rough seas. This brought back a horrible memory to me. Many years ago, my family and I were returning to NI. from Scotland. The crossing was in a force 10 gale and the ferry was up and down and rolling from side to side. Most people were being sick. I remember someone telling me to look at the waves but not the horizon and that would help with the seasickness. I did this for most of the journey but it was terrifying watching the huge waves coming closer. The film about the Poseidon Adventure came to mind. I wanted to kiss the ground when we arrived safely.

Big waves, small waves, calm seas and rough seas, they are all part of God’s creation and we must treat them with respect to honour our Saviour.