Christianity at Work – but outside

Call me Moses.  Through a set of difficult circumstances (don’t ask), I have become “Moderator” of Churches Together Felixstowe.  That’ll teach me to agreeing in a weak moment to stand as “Deputy Moderator”!

So I recently chaired our annual AGM at which all the organisations/charities supported by CTF are asked to submit a report of their work over the last year.  We then “re-affirm” i.e. continue to support them for the next year & pray over them at the meeting.

Reading through the reports proved to be a joyous, uplifting, heart-warming experience with so many good pieces of news, growth & expansion:

 Our Parish Nursing scheme has now grown a second Parish Nurse in a different part of town.

Hope Trust (care of the over 55s) now has a men’s club, is taking groups on coach outings, going back into Care Homes & seeking a new venue to be “even more accessible”. 

CAP (Christians Against Poverty) now has a second debt manager. 

The Chaplaincy at the town’s secondary school is seeking an additional chaplain for a primary school (a first). 

The Chaplain to the Seafarers continues to be busy at the Port.

 The Town Pastors continue to patrol the streets at night.

The five Pop-Up shops & Parish Pantry continue distributing food with increasing need in this climate of fuel poverty & rising prices (One has grown into a “church plant”.). 

Not to mention Warm Spaces over the winter, the prayer walks & welcoming 100 Ukrainians.

All exciting stuff.  If Jesus were to visit our town today he’d be heartened that we’re continuing his work as Christians outside the church walls.

However, at this meeting the story of the churches inside was not so heartening. Amongst our 22 churches we have Ministers leaving with spaces unfilled; churches that can’t afford a Minister; Ministers who are new to the town & finding their feet; Ministers overburdened with work & responsibilities due to the gaps left as above. Not to mention buildings that need maintaining & heating (in a climate of seeking Carbon Zero in the near future), tight finances, tired leaderships & falling attendance.

For us, Christianity is alive & well in our town – but not in the places you expect.

Look outside into the community & that’s where Christians are thriving.

John Wesley said:

“I look upon the world as my parish…… This is the work which I know God has called me to….”

Say no more.