
On Tuesday the 27th June Kirton MC hosted the first of this year’s Garden Cafe. All the preparations were done; cleaning, baking, publicity and “staff” rotas organised. The tables and chairs were put out in the garden and the gazebo was up. We were blessed with a lovely morning which wasn’t too hot as there was a light breeze.

We wondered how many people would turn up. Well, the answer was lots. The musicians arrived and we were entertained to some well-known songs which we could sing along to or just quietly sit and listen to. The 3 hours flew past and then it was time to tidy up and go home. We all agreed that it had gone very well and we were looking forward to the following weeks.

You may think that I’m just doing a bit of publicity here, (I am) but there is much more to these mornings. They are a wonderful form of outreach to the community. One elderly lady who came for the first time was delighted to have some company and was glad that she had been brave enough to attend as she knew no one. She’s coming back next week. A few others trundled in using walking aids and felt uplifted during their time in the garden.

Many comments were heard regarding the garden and how beautiful it is. God’s flowers and shrubs provided the perfect background and one bee which was crawling along the ground and could have been stepped on was rescued and placed safely in the flowers.

The Hymn 403 in STF has some lovely words which sum up this event

God is love: his the care,

tending each, everywhere.

God is love——all is there!

Jesus came to show him,

that we all might know him:

Sing aloud,loud,loud!

Sing aloud,loud,loud!

God is good!

God is truth!

God is beauty! Praise him!

None can see God above;

Neighbours here we can love.

Thank you, Lord, that we have these neighbours and friends that we can show your love to in your beautiful garden.