Wrong turns

Last weekend I took part in a cycling event in Oxfordshire. The intention was to cycle with my sister and her friend but at 9.30pm the night before my niece suddenly announced that she would like to join us. So, with zero training and a bike that was possibly OK we set off early the next morning. My doubts about her ability were completely unfounded as she zoomed off into the distance! (She is 40 years younger than me!)

However, having separated from my sister and her friend at the halfway point, as they were taking a slightly shorter route, I set out once more with my niece. We arrived at a T junction and for some reason she turned right instead of left as the signpost indicated. Being the responsible aunt, I waited for her, but she didn’t appear.

Dilemma – do I set off on my own and hope that she realises her mistake and retraces her steps, or do I try and catch up with her (adding another 10 miles or so to our total distance, on the hottest day of the year so far?)

Phone and text messages produced no response.

I decided the responsible thing was to wait for her. Eventually she realised her error and we met up once more. I had the advantage of having the route preloaded onto a tracking device and so was able to make sure we were on the correct route.

What happens when we take a wrong turn in our faith? Are there people who “wait” for you and help guide back? Do you have a route “preloaded? The bible?

And even though we were almost the last people at the finish line we were still rewarded with claps and cheers!

God rewards us with claps and cheers, whenever we cross the “finishing line!”

Prayer: Thank you God that you are with us and you wait for us when we take wrong turns. Thank you for the route laid out for us in the scriptures. And thank you that you cheer us on whenever we come to you. AMEN