Doggy day care

My son and his fiancee recently came to stay, bringing their 4 month old dog, Bill.

“Mum, will you look after Bill whilst we go to a friend’s wedding, please?”

How could I refuse? However, what he failed to tell us was that, looking after Bill meant him staying with us for nearly 4 whole days, (and nights!)

I have never had a dog, (my husband did as a child).

So they arrived with all the doggy accessories – I assumed it would mean a lead, a food bowl, and possibly something to sleep on.

But out of their tiny car came a crate, big enough to sleep a lion, water bowl, water bottle, spray, short lead, long lead, collar, harness, dry dog food, wet dog food, doggy treats, and of course poo bags!

Jesus told his disciples, as he was sending them out, to simply take a staff (or not as in Matthew and Luke), no purse, no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals. The point Jesus was making, was that they were to leave immediately, unencumbered by excess baggage, and reliant on those they met for hospitality, trusting in God’s care and provision rather than in their own resources.

When they arrived back after their long (!) weekend away, my son and fiancee had to dismantle the “lion’s” crate, pack away the toys, bowls, bottles etc and with Bill safely seated in the back of the car off they went, after several rounds of the house and garden to retrieve forgotten items.

There was no quick get up and go for them!

Do we sometimes make life harder, instead of easier, by complicating things with extra gadgets designed by the marketing people to make our life easier?

Do we make our spiritual life more complicated by worrying about words, and theology, and doctrine rather than simply trusting in a God who loves us, who forgives us, and who sent his Son to die for us?

And now, I can’t wait until we see Bill again!