The Big Rock

Young George was playing outside in his sandbox one Saturday morning. He was making roads and tunnels for his cars and trucks to drive along and through. However, in the middle of the sand was a large rock.  At first, he used it in his game as a roundabout but eventually he decided that it was blocking his roadway and he wanted it removed. He managed to dig round it and dislodged it. It was heavy but he managed to move it around by using his feet and pushing it with all his strength. He got it to the edge of the sand box, but couldn’t roll it up and over the wall at the edge. Every time he thought he was making progress, the rock tipped and fell back into the sand.  George shoved, pushed, struggled but every time the rock just rolled back grazing his hands. Finally, he burst into tears.

Unbeknown to George, all this time his father had been watching from the living room window.  As his tears fell, a long shadow fell across George and his sandbox. It was his father, “George, why didn’t you use all the strength you had available?”

George sobbed back,” But I did, Daddy, I did! I used all the strength I had.”

“No, son,” the father corrected kindly,

”You didn’t use all the strength you had.  You didn’t ask me!”  With that, the father reached down, picked up the rock and removed it from the sandbox.

If there are ‘rocks’ and obstacles in your life that you have tried to get rid of but can’t, things that maybe frustrating you or driving you to tears, God is always available and willing to help give us strength to overcome and do great things for Him. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”   Psalm 46:1