When we send flowers for a birthday, Christmas, a special anniversary or event, we usually use Flying Flowers as we have always found them to be extremely helpful.  This means of course that we get regular updates on their merchandise, but at least they keep in touch. 

The other day their heading was “Feeling Rosy”.  I usually just delete unless I want something specific, but this time was intrigued.  It was a handy guide to send, in a sentimental way, a heartfelt message.  They suggested the following meanings to 3 different coloured roses.

Yellow roses are the universal symbol for friendship and platonic affection and their cheery appearance and colour are sure to bring a smile.

Orange roses symbolise enthusiasm and energy, this could be the perfect way to give someone a boost of confidence.

Pink roses were used to convey admiration and gratitude.  So if you want to show someone how much you appreciate them go no further than pink roses.

Very few species of flowers are found in the Bible, although they abound.  In Song of Solomon there is a reference to the rose of Sharon and this is probably the rock rose.

In one of our hymns in Singing the Faith (no. 92) the hymnwriter asks us to “Think of a world without any flowers”, something probably most of us would find extremely strange, but the chorus says:

“We thank you, Lord for flowers and trees and sunshine; we thank you, Lord, and praise your holy name”.

Let that be one of our prayers today.


When we send flowers for a birthday, Christmas, a special anniversary or event, we usually use Flying Flowers as we have always found them to be extremely helpful.  This means of course that we get regular updates on their merchandise, but at least they keep in touch. 

The other day their heading was “Feeling Rosy”.  I usually just delete unless I want something specific, but this time was intrigued.  It was a handy guide to send, in a sentimental way, a heartfelt message.  They suggested the following meanings to 3 different coloured roses.

Yellow roses are the universal symbol for friendship and platonic affection and their cheery appearance and colour are sure to bring a smile.

Orange roses symbolise enthusiasm and energy, this could be the perfect way to give someone a boost of confidence.

Pink roses were used to convey admiration and gratitude.  So if you want to show someone how much you appreciate them go no further than pink roses.

Very few species of flowers are found in the Bible, although they abound.  In Song of Solomon there is a reference to the rose of Sharon and this is probably the rock rose.

In one of our hymns in Singing the Faith (no. 92) the hymnwriter asks us to “Think of a world without any flowers”, something probably most of us would find extremely strange, but the chorus says:

“We thank you, Lord for flowers and trees and sunshine; we thank you, Lord, and praise your holy name”.

Let that be one of our prayers today.