In a recent daily Bible reading, I was intrigued by the opening words of the comment.

“In church, we like to talk about what we were saved from. We were saved from sin and God’s judgement. But we don’t often ask, “What were we saved for?”.

One of my favourite Bible books is Ephesians and too often chapter 1 is avoided because of the subject of predestination. But though there is much that I do not understand, there is a simplicity in this chapter when it states, He chose us – 

For a few moments try to consider just some of these.

Verse 4 to be holy and blameless in His sight.

Verse 5 for adoption to sonship – another translation to adopt us into his family.

Verse 12 for the praise of His glory.

In respect of adoption, you may know the story of the boy being taunted in the playground by his classmates saying, “You were adopted!”. In exasperation, he responded, “Well at least my parents chose me, yours had no choice!”

How wonderful that God chose us – and He has a purpose for each of us.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for what You have saved us from; please reveal to us what we have been saved for and enable us to fulfil what You want to achieve through our lives. AMEN