A Pattern for Prayer

You’ll realise by now I’ve become interested in older hymns recently.  The messages of hope and comfort, challenge and quiet revolution they include can be inspirational.  Methodist tradition has it that our hymn books should also be our prayer books.  I can go along with that.

One of my favourite prayer/hymns is “For the Healing of the Nations.”  At the moment, with so much discussion about global warming and the future of our planet for generations to come This hymn is so appropriate.  As we follow the verses through, we pray for justice, for equal sharing and promise to work towards this in our own lives.  Next, we pray for a world at peace, with everyone following God’s plan rather than their own greed.  Then we pray for world where people are valued for who they are, not what they are; a world where we listen to each other.  Finally, we pray that we may focus on Christ and through His service restore the world to God.

Prayer is powerful.  Look through this pattern for prayer and consider using it.  We are leaving it late – but healing is always possible with God and that includes for the healing of the Earth.  With prayer comes hope and with hope all things are possible if it’s hope based on our Father and His teachings.

Prayer:  Loving Creator God.  Put hope in our hearts and give us the will to pray that your world will be healed and that Your Word will be heard throughout the whole of your creation.  May we never give up but keep our hope in Your, our Lord and Saviour.  Amen