By the sea

Over the past three weeks I’ve been watching the programme on BBC 2 at 6.30 called The B&B By The Sea. It’s set on the north coast of Northern Ireland at Downhill. The scenery and the beach are stunning. When we lived near it this beach was my favourite. I have so many wonderful memories of times spent walking on it and having picnics and most importantly running on it with my dog.

In each episode a celebrity guest is welcomed to the B&B and they help out in the kitchen and are also taken to farms etc where the food is locally sourced for the meals. Most of them have the opportunity to have a swim in the sea. (With or without a wetsuit)

As well as getting to know a bit about the guests and some of their health problems, they all confirm just how beneficial it is to be close to the sea and also how good it is to help them relax and refresh themselves.

Another of God’s natural remedies.

My husband and I are returning to N. Ireland in a couple of weeks’ time to see family and friends and even though we live by the sea I’m looking forward to once again treading on familiar ground and relaxing on the north coast. In reality there might not be too much relaxing as we have so much to do in a short time!

Thank you, Lord, for creating your wonderful seas and beaches which can bring relief to so many.