I wonder how many of you know how the numbers in the Bible relate to one another.

I was aware of some of them, but it was really brought home to me at the District Synod when Rev Graham Thompson, our President of the Methodist Conference, led our opening worship.

He led a Bible Study relating to Revelation.  It is a book of the Bible some of us shy away from as it is not easy to understand, unless you are lucky enough to have it explained to you.

Part of the Study Rev Graham was talking about numbers.  We read in the Old Testament that there were 12 tribes of Israel, and this is taken up by Jesus in calling his 12 disciples.  Many of the events happen over 40 something – the Israelites were in the wilderness for 40 years; Jesus was tempted for 40 days; the resurrection happenings were over 40 days – what 40 really means is a long time.  Don’t forget there was no calendar or watches in those days, something we take for granted.  Then we get the perfect number of 7 and 6 being imperfection.  John wrote in Revelation to the 7 churches in Asia and talks about 7 golden lampstands (churches) and 7 stars (angels).

When these happenings are explained they become easier to understand and to follow.

These days we are often obsessed by time, partly because we are busy people, going to work, the school run, mealtimes, even being on time to meet a friend.

Perhaps we should take more time to sit back, listen to a piece of music, read a book, make that telephone call, or just watch the world go by.   If we calmed down a little there would not be so much stress and anxiety around.  I am sure Jesus would not have wanted us to be so busy that we did not have any time to talk to Him, to pray and to read the Bible.

So, take more time out, in our busy world, to spend time with others and with our Saviour, Jesus Christ.