A Clean house

One of the things I try and put off as long as possible is housework! I’m possibly not the only one. Eventually I can put it off no longer and out come the cleaning bottles, J-clothes and dusters. Of course, once I have knuckled down it doesn’t take too long and the house once more looks a little cleaner. (And woe betide anyone who dares to use the sinks for the rest of the day!)

How often do we procrastinate? What are your distraction techniques? Mine are coffee, newspaper, exercise, amongst others, but finally I have to just get on with it.

In our faith do we put off those things that we know need doing? Do we find excuses not to do things? Do we avoid things because they are “boring”?

Jesus knew what had to be done and he didn’t put it off. He knew he would be tempted and he faced his tempter. He knew he had to mix with outcasts and sinners, undesirables and marginalised, yet he never made excuses. He knew he would come up against the authorities and was unafraid to speak out. Jesus knew he would face death and willingly took our sin on himself, knowing that the consequence for us would be a “clean house”.

Don’t put off that awkward encounter, don’t make excuses, remember all that Jesus has done for you and offers you by dying on the cross and rising again – willingly, freely, unconditionally.