Ipswich Town Pastors

We need more Pastors!

This is a ministry of The Church!

We believe God is calling us to a unique ministry in Ipswich when the lights are off in the church buildings in town. This ministry does not belong to any one church fellowship in town, nor just to our Town Centre churches: it is one of service and witness that can be supported by any church that has people in their catchment who go out at night in Ipswich!

Our numbers have fallen significantly since COVID, forcing us to cancel some shifts. Would you join us in praying the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into the field?

Would you uphold Ipswich Town Pastors in your intercessions and prayer journals?

Is God calling you?

Please consider whether God is calling you. Get in touch with Pete, our coordinator (pete.wood@ipswichtownpastors.org.uk) for more info and to join us for a trial night out.

Read the Town Pastor leaflet by clicking here.

Read the Easter Newsletter by clicking here