Best of all

This thought was first published in 2021

“The best thing of all is God is with us.” These were the last words of John Wesley as he lay on his death bed. The reality of God’s presence was what he held onto in his final moments.

We are fortunate to have the legacy of those words, as it is not only at the time of our death that God is with us, but at this very moment in your and my lives.

What are you struggling with today? What are you holding on to to get through today?

Whatever it is, know that God is with you and in you, whatever you may be facing.

God is the best thing of all. He has promised to be with each on of us, even in the worst moments of our lives. God’s presence does not mean that bad things will not happen. It is not a guarantee that worse will not come. However, God’s best for each one of us, is that He will never leave us.

Remember God is with you. No matter what.