Now that many of our Easter Celebrations are over, I am back to my Eddie Askew book.

This morning I have been reading “The Bird Seed Takeaway”.  It really does relate to my garden.  He talks about filling the bird feeder with a mix of seeds and peanuts and watching through the Kitchen window, which is just what I do.  We have a mixture of blue tits, blackheaded tits, sparrows, and robins.  The blackbirds and pigeons eat what is dropped by the other birds and all seem happy.  But they are eating me out of house and home!

Eddie goes on to reflect that the birds do not have the slightest idea of who has put out the food for them.  They never say, “thank you”, just eat and fly off.  My satisfaction is from seeing them and helping them feed their youngsters – yes, the robins have a family.

It started me wondering how often we do say “thank you”.  I’m sure we mean to and probably think we have, sometimes it is an automatic reply, but do we really think about it?  As a Steward at our Church, I just get on with whatever has to be done, but a word of thanks does go along way, and I am sure many of you will relate to that.

So, let’s remember to say “thank you” for all those little things that make our lives a bit easier and makes the world go round.