When I open the blind in the kitchen in the morning the first thing I see is a large patch of yellow.  Our daffodils are in full bloom in the bed in the middle of the garden.  What a wonderful sight.

When they die down I leave them as long as I can before cutting the leaves.  Next year they will come again and give us more pleasure.

Nature is wonderful.  Think of all the flowers we admire which come from a single bulb, sometimes planted in September or October to come up and flower in the spring – as long as the squirrels do not dig them up.

Jesus said: “Consider the lilies how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these” (Luke          12:27).  The lilies Jesus spoke about were scarlet anemones, which blossomed after a rain shower and covered the mountain side, but they bloom, one day and died the next.  How sad.  What Jesus was really getting at was the fact that God looks after the flowers and so will also look after us.    Jesus wants us to do our best and leave the rest to God, not always easy but always worth trying.

Prayer.  Lord of the morning, help me to hear your voice in the promise of spring, and to trust that you will make all things new again.

(Lord of the seasons by Peter Firth).