Every Sunday is an Easter Day

The beautiful sight of daffodils at this time of the year reminds me of the first of two separate Easter Day sermons I heard many years ago. Possibly a reader of this contribution may have heard the same stories, from the same speakers, as they are well worth repeating.

The first speaker related how he was somewhat envious as he saw the newly tarmacked drive of his next-door neighbour, but it was several months later that he noticed a slight bump in the drive.  Amazingly, the bump gradually grew bigger until the first signs of a spring bulb appeared that turned out to be a daffodil. I imagine the owner of the drive may not have been so impressed with the power of nature.

The second speaker, at the evening service, started by apologising that he hadn’t had time for tea and so his wife had made him a sandwich. He politely asked if the congregation would mind waiting for a few minutes while he ate it.  As he unwrapped the covering, he looked at the contents and remarked, “O, good, my favourite filling – toothpaste”. And proceeded to eat it.

He then commented, “Well, you may not have believed it, if you hadn’t seen it for yourselves!”.”

I found both these experiences very powerful reminders of the resurrection story. Jesus said to Thomas (as recorded in John 20 verse 29), “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

How privileged we are to be counted among those who are blessed because, though we have not seen, we have believed.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the divine gift of faith that enables us to believe. May that power demonstrated in the resurrection be evident in our daily lives, for Your glory. AMEN