The Power of Words

This thought was first published in February 2021

John 1: 1  “In the beginning was The Word…..”

Have you ever really thought about how powerful words can be?  It’s hard to believe the pen really is mightier than the sword when we see all the pictures and reports of violence which stream across our television and computer screens; yet eventually there has to be a time when talking is needed, when words are needed to bring at least an attempt at peace.

And how much conflict is started by words in the first place?

Words can bring a blessing.  With words we can pray, we can create beauty and humour.  With words we can console, comfort and encourage.

But with words we can destroy someone’s self-confidence, we can tease and sneer and taunt.

We need to be careful with our words.  In his Letter James warns of the dangers of an unguarded tongue – he compares it to a destructive fire.  Look at footage of a forest wildfire and think of what he says.  At the start of John’s Gospel we’re reminded of something very wonderful and incredibly lovely.  “In the beginning was the Word…”  God created everything through the Word, through Jesus.

I’m looking out at the snow as I write.  It’s thick and ruffled, like newly sieved icing sugar.  It may be cold but it is so beautiful, and it is a tiny fragment of God’s creative Word, an expression of Jesus.  Under it are snowdrops, hiding now, and other bulbs  snuggled up waiting for their time to rise and glow as tiny reminders of God’s love – little echoes also of that creative Word.

Be careful using words.  Use them to heal and help; use them as echoes of that first Word of life and love.  Use them to share Jesus.

Creator God:  in every situation, give me the right words to say.  Words which will echo and repeat your Word of love.  In every situation I may be, may words be inspired by you to bring healing and rebuilding.  In the name of Jesus, the Word.