Keep looking

Have you ever put something away in a safe place only to discover later that it was so safe that you couldn’t actually find it. Recently some items in my house have been “lost.” In December I bought a couple of Christmas cards with “Felixstowe” on them to send to my sister and brother. I put them in a certain drawer and they disappeared. I searched everywhere with no success so I gave up looking.

In Luke 15 we find three parables: The Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Lost Son. The shepherd searched until he found the lost sheep, the woman searched until she found the lost coin and the father never gave up hope that his lost son would return. They all rejoiced when the lost were found. 

Prayer:  Dear Lord, thank you that when we repent of our sins we will find forgiveness, when we stray, we can be found and there will be rejoicing and happiness when we return to you. Help us Father to never give up searching for your truth and love.