Turn around

When my husband and I moved to Felixstowe over seven years ago I started walking every day. One day I walked from Martello Tower to the Spa Theatre. It was about 4.30 and quite a pleasant afternoon. When I turned at the Spa to go home, I was astounded by the most amazing sunset. The cranes at the Port were silhouetted by oranges, pinks, reds and purples and it looked spectacular. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my mobile phone with me so I couldn’t take a photo. I rushed home, hoping to be in time to get my husband to look out at the fantastic sight but it was too late so he missed it. This amazing sight was behind me all the time but I was unaware of it until I turned.

Do you ever think that some of the best things in life are there all the time but you just can’t see them until you turn in a different direction? Our Heavenly Father is there all the time and even though we can’t see Him we can be assured that He will always be there.

Prayer: Thank you Lord that we can feel your presence surrounding us with your love and strength. Thank you that we can see your work in creation, in all the beautiful works of art in the sky. Thank you, Lord.