Let the skies be filled

Genesis 1 v 20:    “Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.”

I cause my family many problems as my birthday is on the 1st January and having struggled to think of presents for Christmas they have to think again of something for my birthday. This year one of my presents was the book “The Golden Mole” by Katherine Rundell. I was intrigued by the opening paragraph of the Introduction:

“A common swift, in its lifetime, flies about 2 million kilometres; enough to fly to the moon and back twice over, and then once more to the moon. For at least ten months of every year, it never ceases flying; skywashed, sleeping on the wing, it has no need to land.”

How amazing is that!! My 10,000 plus steps every day seem very small compared to what this bird does. I really like the word “skywashed” as it gives me the impression of the bird being gently washed by soft rain. Mind you, recently the rain here has not been soft but it is also part of God’s creation.

“And God saw that it was good.” Every living creature was created by God and I’m thankful for His amazing work.