I love a cup of tea

I love a cup of tea. In fact, after water it’s my favourite drink. A couple of days ago when I was doing my normal after Christmas “sorting out my cupboards” I was amazed to find that I had quite a few different types of tea. I found Green tea, Jasmine tea, Mao Feng Green tea, Darjeeling Earl Grey, Heartea (Hibiscus, blackcurrant, rosemary and honey) , Chocolate flake tea and Tetley. I’m going to blame my son as I only remember buying the Tetley and the Heartea.

 A cup of tea can be so many things. It can be a warming drink on a cold day, a refreshing drink if you are thirsty. It can also be a very easy way of breaking the ice with a stranger. Many times, it is just such a simple way of sharing a time of companionship with a friend. Occasionally I wonder how many cups of tea I’ve made over my lifetime. I once tried to keep a count at a church function of the number but kept getting distracted by chatting to people. 

Cups of tea remind me of my faith in our Saviour. He is always there when I’m thirsty or need a warming drink. When I need a friend to talk to or when I need his help and strength to be able to support someone else.

Thank you, Lord, for keeping us hydrated with your love and strength.