Look for the light:

Waiting at the local railway station this week, my attention was captured by a poster advertising a new film.  It read: ‘When you’re lost in the darkness, look for the light’. My mind went to one of the opening verses in John’s gospel, ‘The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to mankind. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out.’

The chapter goes on to state that Jesus is the true Light and, as all living things need light, He is Life.

Humans have the light of reason, and this too comes from Him. The Spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord, and it was the eternal Word that lit this candle. So, the light of reason as well as the light of sense is derived from Him. The light of divine revelation also comes from Him. He gives us Life and enlightenment.

The darkness is the darkness of the world. Darkness is the absence of Light. The closer we get to the Light, the more the darkness ceases to be.

Whatever darkness you find yourself in, even if you feel lost in the darkness- and that’s a scary feeling- look for the Light. He is there and he’s more powerful than the darkness. Just seek Him and you will find Him.