Bumpy Roads

Recently I’ve had cause to travel to and from Cambridge on quite a few occasions. I live in Felixstowe and my husband has been a patient in Royal Papworth. Most days the journey to and from the hospital was reasonable, if perhaps a bit slow on the way home. The one thing all the driving has confirmed for me is that I really dislike concrete roads. The bump, bump, bump of the joins brought back a memory from many years ago.

In 1975 I had just passed my driving test in the morning and in the afternoon, I was driving 65 miles to Belfast where I was a nurse. My mother decided she would come with me to keep me company. After a few miles we suddenly found ourselves on part of the road which was concrete. Bump, Bump, bump! I panicked and thought I had a puncture so pulled over and got out to inspect the damage. Needless to say, there was no puncture. With a “It must be the road” from my mother we set off on our journey again. I have never liked these road surfaces since.

These bumpy roads can be just like the bumps we have in our daily lives. Worry about health, finances, friends or the state of the world. Thankfully we have a loving God whom we can rely on to smooth out these bumps and enable us to reach our destination safely and without getting lost.

Thank you, Lord, for being our guide and support during the bumps in our lives.

Ps. My mum, who couldn’t drive, travelled home safely in a bus.