The Warm Up Act

Do you remember going to the cinema and watching the B movie, or perhaps buying a 4rpm record with a B side song? Sometimes there was a hidden gem amongst these B movies or songs. They were a vehicle for up and coming actors and singers. You got two for the price of one – or more, as my father once told me how he would go to the cinema on a cold we Saturday and sit there all day if he could as the films were on a loop.

John the Baptist was the “warm up act” for Jesus. He was the forerunner, heralding the arrival of one “whose sandals he was not even fit enough to carry.” Yet John the Baptist, prepared the way for Jesus to come, he prepared the ground, he wetted people’s interest.

Who has prepared the way for you, in your life? They may not know it. If you can why not thank them for all that they have done for you.

Perhaps it is you who have prepared the way for others. You may not be aware of the seeds that you have sown, or the fruit that has grown from those seeds.

Let us take a moment today to thank God for those people who have gone before us and made the way clear, and to ask God to help us be servants to Him pointing the way to Jesus for those whom we meet.