Don’t focus on the silver cup

It is said that one of the reasons that Da Vinci’s painting of ‘The Last Supper’ took four years to complete was that when it was almost finished, a friend commented to the artist that he found the painting incredibly moving – especially the silver cup on the table. “It was brilliant, beautiful!” he said,” My eyes were immediately drawn to it!  Da Vinci got so angry that he immediately painted over the cup, blotting it out completely. The focus of the painting was to be Jesus, not the cup.  All attention was to be on Him; anything that detracted from Him had to be removed.

As we approach the Christmas season, we mustn’t let the focus of the festival slip from Jesus. Even the competition over a very specific silver World Cup! We need to remove anything that comes before Christ or hinders us from worshipping and serving Him.  He should be the centre of our lives.

Philippians 2: ’ …God raised Jesus to the highest place above and gave Him the Name that is greater than any other name.’