
I had the delight of meeting Rev Saul Tadzaushe and his wife Tariro at Heathrow recently. It has been a long and frustrating wait but the relief and common warmth between us was evident in the smiles and the greetings as Saul and Tariro came through those doors, after over 24hours “on the road/in the air”. We shared small bits about our lives as we drove on the motorways and A roads out of London and towards their new home in Suffolk. A bit of a shock as we got onto the M25 at about 5pm on a Tuesday evening! What soon became evident was that we have so much richness and joy in learning about each other and our different cultures. We may have been separated by 1000s of miles, but we shared a common instinct for laughter, for a keenness to learn from each other, and for a love of God who is not separated from us by land and sea, not over mountain ranges or deserts, but is ever present with each one of us every moment of every day.

Prayer: Loving God, we give thanks to you for the richness and diversity of your Creation. We thank you for the technology and expertise that brings us closer to each other. We thank you for the opportunities for sharing stories and laughter. But most of all we thank you that you are an ever-present, all loving and gracious Lord. AMEN