Unconscious Bias

What is Unconscious Bias?

It is our natural people preferences.it bypasses our rational and logical thinking. Examples include stereotyping and gender bias.

It can lead us to make poorer decision and can affect how we behave with certain people.

We all have it!

The Bible is clear – In Jesus there are no distinctions; we should treat everyone equally.

A growing number people across the Circuit have taken part in a short session looking at this subject.  They have discussed real examples of churches where unconscious bias has gone unchallenged and has caused problems.

If this is something you would like to look at in a small group, Church Council, Church meeting or any other setting then please get in touch!

The materials are easy to use if you want to lead a session yourself or, someone can come to you and work with you to lead the session.

Contact administrator@methodistic.org.uk