Which side are you on?

We have recently been “entertained” by the in and outs of politicians, so many U-turns we might well be feeling dizzy. In the time elapsed between writing this and it being published who knows who our prime minister will be, let alone the other members of the cabinet, or even if we still have the conservatives in power!

In 2016 the country voted for Brexit and prior to this there were many protests on both side of the argument. Looking at images in the media of the protesting crowds I think it was possible to discern which side of the argument the people in each image were on, not just by the slogans and flags that were being waved. There were other clues, age range, male to female ratio, body language, even down to the clothes people wore.

This of course is my opinion or interpretation, you may think differently.

We do this every day – make assumptions, consciously and unconsciously. It is not something we can prevent, but what we can do is recognise when it is happening and try to question ourselves about the assumptions and decisions we make.

One of my other tasks today is to go into our local Primary School and talk to them about the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector that Jesus told. We are going to do this by a short dramatisation. The Pharisee is proud and self-confident, arrogant and self-centred. The Tax Collector is all too aware of his sins and prays to God for forgiveness.

Pharisees were religious leaders, tasked with setting a good example, whereas Tax Collectors were vilified as corrupt money-grabbers. Yet because of his arrogance and selfishness the Pharisee is brought down , and the Tax Collector is exalted.

Take a moment to think where you might have made incorrect assumptions about someone. When you next have to make a decision that involves someone else, take time and think prayerfully.

Prayer: Gracious and loving Father, you are all seeing and all knowing. Forgive us when we make incorrect assumptions. Help us to recognise difference and celebrate it. Help us to see how we make decisions and to avoid those things that put a barrier between ourselves and others, and you.  AMEN