What the Papers Say

The original television series, ‘What The Papers Say’, is older than me. It ran from 1956-2008, faltered, ran again on radio and finally petered out in 2016. The newspapers, printed originally but now often ‘consumed’ digitally, have been part of life for a very long time. Facts and Comment inform thinking, drive agendas and entertain.

For high profile businesses or people, an unfortunate news headline can be ruinous, sometimes, but not always, with good reason. I freely admit that I would miss my newspaper and be more narrow minded without the daily round of good journalism it provides. Advertising rules prevent me from being clear here about the one I read!

The passage from the gospel for today is in two parts. The first, Mathew 16:13-20 follows on from some difficult conversations with the Pharisees and Sadducees about signs; it opens with the general question from Jesus, ‘who do people say that I am?’ More colloquially, ‘what’s the gossip’, or slightly more politely, ‘what do the papers’ say?’

I read the newspaper so I can work out what I think. I read the background to incidents and events to inform what I think, not simply to be a walking gossip, though that may be a bonus! I also try not to express strong views on subjects about which I know nothing.

It was a short jump for Jesus to his next and pointed question, ‘What about you? Who do you say that I am’. Peter unhesitatingly declared that Jesus was the Messiah and was rewarded with the information that he was a rock. Read the passage for a slightly less twisted presentation of it. (Matthew 16:13-20).

Had we been there, I wonder if we would have been quick to work out who Jesus really was? More importantly, have we worked out for ourselves, now, who he really is?

There are many ‘seekers’ around us, some of whom will be trying to make sense of a picture to reach a conclusion. Do the things you and I say or the way we live, talk, or write, help bring clarity or cause more confusion? What are you saying? What is the gossip that you are promulgating about faith and God and Jesus and the power of The Holy Spirit?

A prayer

Lord Jesus, you are a catalyst for thinking and the foundation for believing. Help me to be clear in what I think and believe so that all I say and do as I live may help others to faith in ‘the Living God’ for your sake. Amen.