
As I reflect on the Queen’s funeral, two of the most enduring images are the little slip of paper that one of the clergy dropped accidentally by Her Majesty’s coffin and the amazing ‘Tall Man’ who led the procession in front of the hearse.

The royal family were amazing, the pomp and tradition were awesome and the security breath taking. But one paper falling to the floor showed that with all the best organisation in the world, with any number of rehearsals, there will always be that one little slip that proves it’s all real and it’s an imperfect world.

For all the identical service people, so alike that relatives reported having difficulty working out which one was their familiar loved one, head and shoulders above the rest, prominently walking with dignity and pride was this particular faithful servant of the Queen.

Surrounded literally by uniformity, it’s the different that resounds. It’s like that in the gospels. Hundreds pressed against Jesus, but he noticed the woman who touched the hem of his garment. Thousands flocked to welcome him. He pointed out the small man in the tree.

We are all equally loved by God but celebrated for our diversity and uniqueness. Travelling on our life’s journey beside our Heavenly King as his faithful servant – isn’t that where we long to be?