Russian peasant farmers enjoy telling the story of the day a commissar came to a farmer and enquired about the year’s potato crop. “Oh it was wonderful,” replied the farmer. “Good, good,” said the official. “Just how big was it?” “Oh, it was so big it reached up to the very foot of God.” The commissar’s countenance changed. With a scowl, he said, “But comrade, this is a communist state and we are atheists. You must not forget, there is no God!” “That’s right, commissar that’s what I mean. No God—no potatoes.”
A deep truth lies hidden in this humorous tale. God is the source of all things. Without Him, we could not draw a single breath, our bodies would not function and we would have no provision for our daily sustenance.
Atheists may have convinced themselves that God does not exist, yet we who are His children know otherwise.
Lord, as You created this world, we pray that each day be blessed by You, each hour be touched by You and help us to be grateful that each minute is a gift from You. May our work for You reach out to others who don’t know about You and we give thanks that your divine resources are never exhausted.