Have you ever thought about Walking Sticks?

When I was younger I thought they were only for older people – as I get older I know that is not always the case.

In the Bible a staff or stick was commonly carried by Shepherds and also those people on journeys.  This could have been to help walking or to repel animals.  The disciples used staffs when they travelled.  However, Jesus told them not to carry a staff in one instance in Matthew 10:10 but to take a staff in another in Mark 6:8.  An explanation could be that the disciples were not to carry a new staff or a spare one.

However, a shepherd needed versatility with his staff, so it had a curve at one end.  This gave him the ability  to reach out  for lambs and pull them back with the curve of the staff, this is like the shepherds today.

A staff in Biblical times was used in much the same way as today’s walking sticks by different people of all ages.  In Psalm 23, which is known by many and is often a great comfort we read in verse 4, “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and staff comfort me.”  No wonder we often use this Psalm at funerals as it is a great comfort to know that our Lord is with us and comforts us at all times.

So don’t worry or be discouraged by using a walking stick, whatever age you are, it’s helpful in many ways and a comfort and has been used for centuries.