
As I write this, during the last week our country has seen a change of prime minister and a change of monarch. I began to ponder what it means to be a good leader. Some are born to be leaders and trained up from an early age, maybe having to wait a lifetime before they are called on to fill the shoes of someone big. Others may have to fill a gap unexpectedly in a hurry.

Some exhibit leadership qualities at a very early age. Attending a family christening recently, I witnessed by four-year-old grand niece taking charge of the proceedings. An effective leader has vision, can made decisions and communicate well with others. She had those skills as she led her little troupe up and down the aisle and then settled them to doing some colouring.  After the service, in the celebrations at the village hall she led them onto the stage to perform a ‘show’. At what point is this fair leadership rather than a bullying dictatorship? It has nothing to do with size. We could all name small men who have become dictators and gentle giants. My niece wasn’t the eldest, largest or loudest child in the room. But, as I watched her, what she did do was check on the others. She showed empathy and respect; she explained and cajoled; she made the others feel special and important even as she got them to do what she wanted. Matching what they wanted to do with what she needed them to do. She was also open to occasional guidance and advice.

God is a gentle leader; a good shepherd lovingly guiding us, easing us along. He can see the end from the beginning, so sometimes when it seems like he’s got it wrong and he’s sending us along the wrong path, we need to trust that he has drone vision – his perspective is different from ours. He knows the journey’s end while we may feel stuck in the mud along the way.

Queen Elizabeth II was an amazing national leader; she followed an all-powerful, all-knowing God and drew on Him for strength and guidance.  King Charles III has big shoes to fill. He has shown already the ability to communicate his visions and make wise decisions showing empathy and respect for all. I pray that, as he comes to the throne with a lifetime of experience behind him and years of watching his mother’s dedication and commitment to the nation, his rule will be long and glorious.