Steadfast and Unwavering

I’m sure we all have our thoughts and reactions towards the sad news of the death of our Queen. It’s the sort of day we’ll remember where we were for years after other details have faded. Sam and I hadn’t long got home, and we had the rolling news on as we started to discuss what would happen when the inevitable came, and then the tone shifted as Huw Edwards delivered the news that put Goosebumps up my spine.

Not only has this remarkable woman been our monarch for the whole of my life, but the whole of my parents’ lives too, and when I consider it, there are very few people I know who can say they truly remember ever hearing or using the phrase “God save the King” before tonight. The tributes and reflections have already been shared from leaders all over the world, each sharing slightly different words, all along a similar theme: what an inspirational woman, and an historic reign.

When I was younger, I remember being fascinated with how kind she was, the ability to be so steadfast-never appearing to have a “bad day”, and being such a strong female lead to look up to. In a world where life is undeniably different for women than for men, having such a steadfast and grounded lady in power always stood out for me.

My parents and I greatly enjoyed watching The Crown on Netflix in the last few years as it was aired, for me, it filled in gaps of my knowledge and gave background into someone whom I have only ever known as an older lady. I was struck by her determination and the strength in her convictions in her role and her people that she served. Similarly, watching her Christmas Day address always made me feel so encouraged and emotionally connected to someone who in reality was a stranger to me, yet such a public figure.

Her faith was unwavering; something which has been reflected upon by many over the years. I can only imagine what a source of comfort and guidance it must have provided, in a role which caused her to be amongst so many people, and yet at times so isolated. I pray that I may have such strength in my convictions of my faith, and be able to use it to guide me in such a faithful and trusting way.

Sam and I went this year to be alongside the Mall on the day of Trooping the Colour and to be able to see the flypast as part of the long weekend of Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Now, more than ever, I’m thankful that we were able to take the time to do so, because that is a memory we’ll treasure for years to come.

A prayer:

Lord, we thank you for giving us the life of such a steadfast and unwavering monarch. Be with the members of the royal family as they grieve, and prepare for all their new roles. May King Charles always seek your guidance, and long live the King.