Dead Sea or Living Water?

The Thought for the Day is from John 7 v 38.
Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them

The Dead Sea is so salty that it contains no fish or plant life. What accounts for this unusual condition? There are absolutely no outlets! A great volume of water pours into this area but nothing flows out. Many inlets plus no outlets equals a dead sea.

This law of nature may also be applied to a child of God, and it explains why many believers are so unfruitful and lacking in spiritual vitality. It’s possible for some people to attend Bible conferences, listen to religious broadcasts, study the scriptures and continually take in the Word as it is preached from the pulpit, and yet seem lifeless and unproductive in their Christian lives. Such individuals are like the Dead Sea.

They have several “inlets” but no “outlets.” To be vibrant and useful believers we must not only “take in” all we can, but we must “give out” in service of others! May the Lord make us refreshing fountains where thirsty souls may drink.

To be a channel of blessing, let Christ’s love flow through you.

Where I live, I only have plants in pots. It’s wonderful to see them blooming and adding colour to my patio but my evening chore is to water them. Occasionally I forget and with all the sunshine I see them wilting a bit the next day. We’re all a bit like these plants, we need water to survive.

Sometimes we can wilt because of what is happening in our lives but we can rest assured that we can drink from God’s refreshing fountain of love and then we need to pass this love on to others