Captain Peacock

I recently cycled along the Ipswich Waterfront and came across several large Owl Sculptures. These are part the “The Big Hoot” which is a free fun outdoors art trail around the town of Ipswich. There are 50 Big Hoots along with several Little Hoots. Each one is designed by a local artist, either well known or just starting out, and is sponsored by a local company. At the end of the display time, (September 12th ), all the owls will be auctioned off and the proceeds will go to help fund the work of St Elizabeth Hospice.

Each owl has an appropriate name. One particularly spectacular sculpture is “Captain Peacock” designed by artist Esme Taylor. Esme is an artist and tutor and has students ageing from 11 to 98 years old.

Apparently peacocks represent rejuvenation, respect, integrity and good luck.

I have to admit peacocks are not my favourite bird. The males may have magnificent plumage, but what use is it other than to attract a mate? We had an escaped peacock running down our road a few months ago. Then, it certainly regretted having to drag that fancy plumage behind it!

Have you ever heard a male peacock calling out for a mate? No syrupy love songs, or gentle cooing, but a loud shrill screeching sound. This sound appears completely at odds with the colourful display a keen peacock puts on.

Do we sometimes put on a magnificent display, strutting around, thinking we look good, and then what comes out of our mouths is an unattractive shriek?

In the Bible Jesus speaks of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees looking beautiful, appearing righteous, on the outside, but on the inside being full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Peacocks are only mentioned once in the Bible – when King Solomon’s ships returned every three years with gold, silver, and ivory, as well as apes and peacocks (NLT, The Message) or baboons (NIV, KJV) (I Kings 10:22 or 2 Chronicles 9:21). It’s interesting that different versions refer to peacocks and others to baboons!

We may look splendid on the outside but how do we act on the inside?

PRAYER: Gracious Lord, help us to throw off the showy exterior, and brash meaningless noise, and to live with humility, integrity, respect and love. Let us shed the tail feathers of hypocrisy and renew our lives through the saving grace of your Son Jesus Christ. AMEN