Follow your heart’s desire

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Sarah Woolven

Sarah shares with us the following passage taken from Joyce Meyer’s ‘Starting your Day Right’:

“Psalm 25:12-13: What man is he that dearth the Lord? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.

To fear the Lord is to recognise him for who he is: holy, almighty, righteous, pure, all-knowing, all-powerful and all-wise. If we can see God in this light, we can also see ourselves for who we are: sinful, weak, frail and needy. When we recognise God for who he is and ourselves for who we are, we will fall at his feet. Only there can he teach us how to choose the best- his ways.

To enjoy our lives we need to start by following the God-given desires of our hearts instead of the desires of our flesh. We may need to mature in faith before we can tell the difference between our flesh and Spirit-led desires.

One way to tell if we are following a desire of our flesh is that when we step out to do it, we will lose our peace and face a struggle. If it is not of God, we will feel like we are pushing a dead horse uphill. If it is a God-given desire of the Spirit it will work like a well-oiled machine. It will flow with a Holy ease.

Start your day right and follow your heart.