For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. AMEN

We have now come full circle and once again come to a prayer of praise, adoration and thanksgiving. This phrase gives to God the praise and reverence that is his. We are nothing without all that God has given us.

He created everything, the universe and beyond. He created you and me, in his own image. Everything is his.

God is all powerful – omnipotent. God is present everywhere – omnipresent. God is all knowing – omniscient. God is for ever, eternal – I couldn’t find an “omni” word for this.

God is our Father, our Mother, our Maker. He is loving and forgiving beyond our imaginations. God created us and provides for us, he guides and protects us, whilst allowing us the freedom to choose our way – just as any loving parent does.

And our response?

So be it, let it be, truly – AMEN!

Prayer: Sovereign Lord, there are not words that can express the majesty and magnificence that are yours. We are so thankful that created this world, this universe and beyond. We are thankful that you love each one of us, you know each one if us and you care for us, in our good times and in our difficulties. We can never repay all that you have done for us, and so with heartfelt thanks and praise we say – truly, so be it! AMEN!!